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computerized control中文是什么意思

用"computerized control"造句"computerized control"怎么读"computerized control" in a sentence


  • 计算机控制


  • 2 computer rooms equipped with computerized control system , printer servers , projectors etc
  • A computerized control and measurement system regulates the operation of the electrolyser and fuel cell
  • Computerized control : plc control device , controlling the machine with maximum flexibility
    电脑化动作电路控制- - - plc动作变化灵活多样且控制精确,故障检修容易。
  • Computerized control and monitor system will provide purchase or job order memory and quick change by touching screen and control button when necessary
  • Beoc ' s laser power controllers offer precise , stable , computerized control of beam power for cw or pulsed lasers up to 15 watts
    Beoc的雷射功率稳定器可针对连续波或脉冲雷射的光束能量(最大可达15瓦) ,提供精确、稳定、电脑化的控制。
  • Silicon offers the opportunity to build conventional and nanofluidic transistors onto the same chip for computerized control of chemical and biological processing
  • Silicon offers the opportunity to build conventional and nanofluidic transistors onto the same chip for computerized control of chemical and biological processing
  • This product to adopt micro computerized control program with 4 strong tapping mechanism . different level tapping makes you relief fatigue and enhance blood circulation
  • However , before computerized control can be applied to a pharmaceutical process there usually needs to be some source document , written in english , setting forth in logical steps what needs to be done ; it would be useful to review such a document in evaluating the adequacy of conversion from manual to computerized processing
  • As to the automatic & digital trend of photogrammetry development , the designed project of close - range photogrammetry machine is proposed , in this project , the automation degree in the process of image collection in close - range photogrammetry is improved with the use of computerized control technique and image process technique
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